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How to Sharpen a Hatchet with a Stone


Knowing how to stone-sharpen your hatchet is crucial if you want to keep it in good condition. The right stone must be chosen, the hatchet must be fixed, and the appropriate sharpening methods must be used. You can rapidly and effectively sharpen your hatchet with practice.

To sum up, choosing the perfect stone, securing the hatchet, employing the proper sharpening technique, and practicing frequently are all important aspects of sharpening a hatchet with a stone.

How to Sharpen a Hatchet with a Stone

Sharpening a hatchet with a stone is a skill that can be mastered with practice, and it’s an essential skill for anyone who uses a hatchet regularly. Here are the factors to consider when sharpening a hatchet with a stone:

Selecting the Right Stone

Selecting the proper stone is the first step in using a stone to sharpen a hatchet. Oil stones, water stones, and diamond stones are the three most popular forms of sharpening stones. The most widely used stones are oil ones since they are both inexpensive and efficient.

Because water stones are softer than oil stones and so wear down more quickly and produce a smoother edge, they are a great option for sharpening. The most expensive stones are diamonds, which are also the most effective and long-lasting.

Securing the Hatchet

The hatchet needs to be fixed in place next. A clamp or vise can be used for this. A clamp can be fastened to any flat surface, whereas a vise can be affixed to a workbench. When the hatchet is in position, it’s crucial to check that the cutting edge is facing upward and is at the proper angle.

Using the Correct Sharpening Technique

The “scandi grind” refers to the method of using a stone to sharpen a hatchet. Sharpening the hatchet’s blade with this method entails holding the tool at a 20 to 25 degree angle to the stone.

Work your way up to the blade’s tip starting at the blade’s base. Throughout the sharpening process, be sure to apply even pressure and keep the same angle. To achieve a uniform sharpening, it’s crucial to utilize the full surface of the stone. Flip the hatchet over and proceed with the other side after a few strokes.

Practicing Regularly

It takes practice to sharpen a hatchet with a stone, thus it’s vital to do it frequently. Your results will improve as you practice more because you’ll become more accustomed to the procedure.

It is advised to sharpen your hatchet after each use or, if you use it frequently, at least once a month. The blade can be kept sharp and will avoid becoming dull and inefficient with regular sharpening.


1. How often should I sharpen my hatchet with a stone?

It’s recommended to sharpen your hatchet after every use or at least once a month if you use it regularly.

2. How do I know if my hatchet is sharp enough?

A sharp hatchet should be able to easily slice through a piece of paper or wood without tearing it.

3. Can I use any type of stone to sharpen my hatchet?

Oil stones, water stones, and diamond stones are the most common types of stones used for sharpening. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

4. Can I sharpen my hatchet without a vise or clamp?

Yes, you can sharpen your hatchet without a vise or clamp, but it may be more difficult to maintain the correct angle and achieve an even sharpening.


A hatchet can be sharpened with a stone, but there are a few important things to keep in mind. These include picking the proper stone, securing the hatchet, utilizing the proper sharpening method, and constantly practicing.

You can keep your hatchet sharp and functional for many years by following these instructions. Keep in mind to sharpen your hatchet after each use, or at least once a month if you use it frequently, and to check its edge by slicing through some paper or wood.


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Teddie is a seasoned outdoorsman and survivalist with a passion for functional and durable tools, including garden axes and hatchets. With his experience in wilderness exploration and camping, Teddie understands the importance of having reliable tools for outdoor adventures and gardening activities. Teddie enjoys sharing practical tips, product reviews, and expert advice to help readers choose the best garden axes and hatchets that will withstand the test of time in various outdoor settings.