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How to Sharpen a Hatchet with a File


A hatchet can be easily sharpened using a file, although it does take some time and the proper equipment. To keep the hatchet steady, first clamp or vise-secure it. The hatchet’s edge should next be sharpened using a mill bastard file while maintaining a 20-degree angle.

Use an honing stone to remove any burrs and make sure to only file in one direction. Finally, slice through a piece of wood to check the hatchet’s sharpness.

How to Sharpen a Hatchet with a File

Sharpening a hatchet is a crucial task for anyone who uses an axe or hatchet regularly. A dull hatchet can be frustrating to use and can even be dangerous. Sharpening a hatchet with a file is a relatively simple process that can be done in a few steps.

Secure the hatchet in a vise or clamp

It’s crucial to clamp or vise your hatchet before you start sharpening it. This will maintain the hatchet’s stability and stop it from shifting while you’re honing. To prevent the hatchet from slipping or shifting while you’re working on it, make sure the clamp is tight.

Choose the right file

Selecting the appropriate file for the task is the next step. The ideal file to use while honing a hatchet is a mill bastard file. Utilizing a file that is the proper size for your hatchet is crucial. A file that is too small won’t work, and a file that is too big won’t be easy to handle.

Sharpen the edge

It’s time to begin sharpening after you’ve fastened the hatchet and selected the appropriate file. Start filing while holding the file at a 20-degree angle to the edge of the hatchet.

It’s crucial to file with lengthy, fluid strokes and only in one direction. As you work, keep the file flat on the hatchet’s edge and use even pressure.

Smooth out rough edges

After filing is complete, use an honing stone to remove any burrs. This will aid in producing a sharp, smooth edge that will make using your hatchet simpler and safer.

Rub the edge of the hatchet in a circular motion while holding the honing stone at the same angle as the file. Be sure to move gently and cautiously, with a gentle touch.

Test the sharpness

It’s finally time to check your hatchet’s sharpness. Hold the hatchet and a piece of wood in each hand. Give the wood a light tap while angling the hatchet such that the edge is in contact with it.

The wood should be simply and cleanly cut through with the hatchet. If not, you might have to go through the sharpening procedure again until the hatchet is sufficiently sharp.


1. Can I sharpen a hatchet with a different type of file?

Yes, you can use a different type of file, but a mill bastard file is the best option for sharpening a hatchet.

2. Is it necessary to use a honing stone after filing?

Yes, using a honing stone after filing is necessary to smooth out any rough edges and create a sharp, clean edge on the hatchet.

3. How often should I sharpen my hatchet?

The frequency of sharpening a hatchet depends on how often it is used. A good rule of thumb is to sharpen it after every 10-15 uses.

4. Can I sharpen a dull hatchet by myself?

Yes, sharpening a hatchet with a file is a simple process that can be done by anyone with a bit of patience and the right tools.


If you’re wondering how to sharpen a hatchet with a file, there are only a few easy procedures involved. The hatchet should first be placed in a vise or clamp, the appropriate file should be used, and the edge should be sharpened at a 20-degree angle.

After removing any sharp edges with an honing stone, evaluate the hatchet’s sharpness by slicing through a piece of wood. You can maintain your hatchet in peak shape and make sure it’s always reliable and safe to use by following these instructions.


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Ocean is a passionate gardener and outdoor enthusiast who has a deep appreciation for well-crafted garden axes and hatchets. With years of experience working in various gardens, Ocean understands the importance of having reliable and efficient tools for pruning, chopping, and shaping. Ocean enjoys sharing insights, reviews, and tips with readers to help them choose the best garden axes and hatchets for their needs.